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The American Legion is our nation’s largest wartime veteran service organization. Part of their long-standing commitment is to mentor youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our community.

Each year the Louisiana Department of the American Legion sponsors Louisiana Boys State, which is the premier leadership development program for young men in our state.

Our local American Legion Posts 242 actively participates in the Boy’s State by sending selected young men from our local high schools to attend the event. From June 21 to June 27, these young men will be on the campus of Northwestern University and learn the ins and outs of our state’s political system as well as how to grow into effective leaders.

We are honored to support the efforts of Post 242 in Patterson and the future of the young men who will be attending Boy’s State this year.

To learn more about Boy’s State, visit laboysstate.com. To understand all of the wonderful things the American Legion does for our country, find them at legion.org.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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