Do You And Your Money Care About The Same Things?

Do You And Your Money Care About The Same Things?

As the old adage goes “Actions speak louder than words.” On the topic in question, it is fair to say spending is an action that implies values. Which explains why the nature of finances can be so personal, and challenge us to ask the question, what do we value? Is it:...

Encouraging Children to Save

Sometimes when children hear their parents or other adults in their lives talking about cutting spending or saving money, they assume that the family is going through a rough patch. As appropriate based on children’s ages, family conversations about money goals,...

Saving as a Family

When you have a family, it seems like there is never enough money to go around and saving money frequently gets pushed aside. However, saving money can help stabilize your family’s financial life. Saving is putting money aside for future use and requires discipline...

Make Your Tax Refund Work for You!

Every year, the middle of April marks the end of the federal tax return filing season. For many Americans, that can mean seemingly endless forms, pay-stubs, and other paperwork. However, tax time can also be a unique opportunity for saving for your future! You can...